refrigerator pickle recipe

Years ago in Sacramento, California, I ran across an old man
selling pickles at a swap meet. He made the pickles in his own kitchen
in large plastic barrels and sold them on week-ends. I went to this swap
meet every Saturday all during the summer and noticed the lines of
people gathered in front of his booth, but I always walked by.
one Saturday, I stopped. He had many types of home made refrigerator pickles recipe, with
bite-sized samples of the various pickles laid out for tasting. They
were all good but when I tried the Hot, Garlic, Dill Pickle... I was
hooked. So, for what would have been the equivalent of about six dollars
in today's money, I bought a quart of pickles served up in a cardboard
Chinese take-out carton. They were the absolute, best pickles I had ever
I made pickles myself several times over the years, but
they were nothing special. In fact, pickles from the store were better. I
thought, if only I knew how he made them, I could make my own. But I
was sure he would not give out his recipe since he made his living
selling them. So, I never asked.
Instead, I went through every
recipe book in the library looking for pickles. I tried dozens of
recipes, but never came close to the old man's formula.
years passed with me buying pickles from the old guy until one Saturday,
he was not there. Nor was he there the next Saturday. So, after several
weeks, I went to the Swap Meet Office and asked what happened to the
pickle man. As I feared, he had died.
So, I accepted the fact that
I would never taste those fabulous hot, garlic, dills again. Until, one
morning, as I was reading the Sunday paper, I spotted a small article
on "The Pickle Man Passes Away". The old man's daughter provided
her father's life story and to keep his memory alive, she included his
best pickle recipes. She felt that he would want his pickles to continue
being enjoyed.
When I read the recipe for the hot, garlic dill
pickles, I was not sure it was the real thing. It was too simple. There
had to be some exotic, secret ingredient. But there it was... with no
secret ingredient.
Of course, I made the pickles that same day and they were perfect. They were the old man's pickles!
they were so simple, I wondered why my efforts over the years were
never as good as his. After much thought, I concluded that the secret is
not only the ingredients, it is also the procedure.
The first secret is, FRESH INGREDIENTS.
the pickle man, I grow all the ingredients, except salt and vinegar, in
my own back yard. The cucumbers are picked and processed within one
hour of leaving the garden. Likewise, with all the other ingredients. I
am convinced that this freshness adds a little extra something to the
flavor and crunch of the pickles.
O.K., ready for the recipe? A
note first: this recipe assumes you are familiar with the basics of
canning food. If not, you should probably read an article on safe
canning techniques before making pickles.
Quantities of ingredients vary according to how many pickles you want to make. It will be clear as you read the procedure below.
FRESH cucumbers (how many? many pickles do you want to make?)
pickling salt
jalapeno peppers
grape leaves (fresh)
whole peppercorn
whole garlic cloves (peeled)
fresh dill sprigs
white vinegar (5% distilled - commonly sold in stores)
crushed red pepper (optional)
Select cucumbers that are about 3-5 inches long, with no blemishes!
You can use any type cucumber, not just pickling cucumbers. I have
always made the pickles using whole cucumbers, like the Pickle Man did.
1. Prepare jars and lids in boiling water. Allow to stand in boiling water at least 15 minutes
2. In a LARGE pot, combine two quarts water, 1/2 cup pickling salt, 1
quart (4 cups) white vinegar (5%). Bring to a boil until all the salt
is dissolved.
3. In each sterilized jar place: one large sprig of dill weed, 1
medium jalapeno pepper (sliced length-way), 3 cloves garlic, 1/2
teaspoon black peppercorn and 2 grape leaves.
4. Fill jar with cucumbers (previously washed in cold water) and pour hot vinegar mix in jar to within 1 inch of top.
5. Seal jars hand tight and process in hot water bath 15 minutes.
good thing about making your own pickles is that you have control over
how they taste. You like them hotter? Add more jalapeno or 1/2 teaspoon
crushed red pepper. You want them milder? Use only 1/2 jalapeno. You
like strong garlic flavored pickles? Use 5 garlic cloves per jar.
point is, do not be afraid to adjust the recipe to make the pickles you
like. The recipe above is basically the original and what I like.
can start by making just one jar (use original ingredients for
salt/vinegar mix, even if making only one jar). The pickles can be
tasted in about 3 days and you can adjust the ingredients to your taste
when making a full batch. Just be aware that all the flavors will
intensify slightly over time.
The grape leaves give the pickles a
little extra crunch. You may have trouble finding fresh grape leaves,
since we have never found them in stores. If you can not grow your own
or have a neighbor that grows them, don't worry.. I would not use alum
or any other firming agent as a substitute in my pickles. You will still
get a pretty good crunch without the grape leaves if you do not over
process and refrigerate before eating.
A final note on safety: as
with any food, if an off-color or foul odor develops in your pickles,
dispose of them. They may be O. K. but It's better to be safe. If you
follow proper canning procedures you should not be concerned.
Good luck with the Hot, Garlic, Dill Pickles.
K. A. Miller is a free lance writer and webmaster for Homemade Pickles where you will find more pickle recipes and preserving techniques. Ken also manages
where you can find recipes for the most popular, authentic Southern
dishes like fried chicken, fried okra, biscuits and gravy, cornbread and
many more.
Spicy pickles are my hot favaourite and they go perfectly with any dish on the menu. I am really thankful for the recipe as I have been looking for it.